Senioren-(Nationalmannschafts-)Turnier in Gent vom 2.6.2017 bis 5.6.2017…

Wir haben vom holländischen Padelverband eine Einladung zur Teilnahme an einem internationalen Senioren-Nationalmannschafts-Turnier erhalten. Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn sich genügend Teilnehmer finden würden. Auf englisch sind alle Informationen weiter unten – das Wichtigste in Kürze:
Es können insgesamt 3 (Herren-) Teams gebildet werden: Ü45 – Ü50 und Ü55
Teilnehmen in jeder Altersklasse können bis zu 8 Nationen. Ein Team besteht aus min. 6 Spielern plus max. 2 Ersatzspielern.
Das ganze findet vom 2.6.-5.6.2017 in Gent (Belgien) statt.
Pro Team fällt eine Meldegebühr in Höhe von € 495,- an (Gebühr ist inklusive Platzmiete+Bälle).
Der Spaß steht im Vordergrund und natürlich soll so eine Veranstaltung auch dabei helfen, die Sportart “Padel” insgesamt bekannter zu machen.
Jeder, der sich für eine Teilnahme interessiert, kann sich gerne bei uns melden – direkt über unsere Webseite (
Friendly International Veterans National Teams
Championships 2017
By this we gladly invite your esteemed Federation to participate in this event. For the first time there will be a National Team Championship for (male) Veterans taking place in Western Europe. The event is organized by the Dutch Padel Federation, in cooperation of Padel Belgium, Padel Vlaanderen and International Padel Federation. The host will be Padel4U2 in Gent, Belgium.
The Friendly International Veterans National Teams Championships 2017 will be an invitational tournament including up to 8 participant countries. Each team comprising a minimum of 6 players and a maximum of 8 players per age category. Each national team category competing independently:
45+ 50+ 55+
The goal of this tournament is not only to compete for a championship but also the promotion of padel. Having fun, building team spirit and making new international contacts that share passion for padel are in the center of this event as well.
Padel is one of the fastest growing racketsports around the world. Veterans are an important target group of the sport. All participating countries can surely profit from the promotion and news value of this event.
2 – 5 june 2017
Padel 4U2 Gent, Emanuel Hielstraat 108, 9050 Gentbrugge, Belgium
Procedure and rules:
Federations can inscribe a national team in one, two or all age categories National comprise a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 8 national players per age category Each age group plays in a group of 3 or 4 countries Number 1 of each group plays for the championship Number 2, 3 and 4 are also playing each other for lower positions. In case of smaller groups there will be cross finals A country-match is played to 3 matches (third set tiebreak). Each player can only play 1 match per country-match.
Nederlandse Padelbond De Ruyterlaan 14 3941 WR Doorn
Friday 2 June: 19.00 welcome Saturday 3 June: 09.30 start country – matches Saturday 3 June: 20.30 start dinner Sunday 4 June: 09.30 start country – matches Sunday 4 June: 20.30 start dinner Monday 5 June: 09.30 finals Monday 5 June: 13.00 final Monday 5 June: 16.30 end
Inscription cost:
€495, per country team/age category. Fee is including balls and use of courts
There are very good possibilities for food and catering (optional). Every day all teams will get together for dinner to network, share national stories and build the padel spirit. For more information or to reserve your catering contact PADEL4U:
Sign up before May 1st 2017 Maximum of 8 countries (inc. organizer Holland & host country Belgium), first inscribed first served
Inscription and further information:
Pjotr van Dalfsen Coordinator Veteranen, Dutch Padel Federation Tel/WhatsApp +31 (0) 6 53 248 260